A true story by Steve Andersen


Yes, it’s true. There was a time that I really didn’t like dogs. I guess I inherited it from my dad. I say this because, when we lived in base housing, he used to say “ There’s only one good place for a dog, and that place ain’t been dug yet!”.  I don’t think he ever really meant it, after all, he had a Saint Bernard while growing up in Redfield. We learned to walk in the yards at base housing always looking down so we wouldn’t step in anything unpleasant.  It did pay off once, though, as I found a twenty dollar bill on the ground.


Not too many years ago, when Stephanie was about 3 or 4, she would always ask me,

“Daddy, When can we get a puppy?” I would always answer with, “ When I die, you can get a puppy”. After hearing this enough times, Steph finally went to her mom and asked this simple but logical question. “Mom, when is dad going to die so we can get a puppy?”

Karen relayed this request back to me.


I learned to sleep with one eye open after that enlightenment!!!!!!!!